Life is good in the trailer hood!

Archive for December, 2013

Tis The Season

Tis the season when people are more friendly, kind, and caring.

Full of celebrations, Christmas programs, parades, and parties we tend to scurry from one event to the next. We’re trying to find the perfect gift or  we are  feeling badly because our dollars won’t stretch far enough to even buy gifts.

Pretty soon our stomachs are tied up in knots, and we have forgotten what the true meaning of Christmas is.

Concerns for those who need a little joy in their lives and not having the means to give is very disheartening.

Seeing little children who won’t have a gift under the tree makes us sad.

It makes them even sadder, because most children they do not understand, and can feel unloved.

So here’s to all who know what the true meaning of Christmas is.

Christ, who gave his life on the cross, whose birthday we are celebrating, gave us the biggest gift of all!

He gave Himself.

Now that is the best gift, of course. But we can give, too.

To all who open their hearts this year and give of themselves, here’s to you!

You foster parents who take in other people’s children, the ones who adopt unwanted children, you are a Christmas blessing.

To the workers and volunteers who help with the needy and the elderly, God bless you forever.

For the Child Advocate Services, thank you!

If we could all just take some time, go Christmas caroling at a nursing home, visit a Veteran or shut in, or volunteer at a soup kitchen (or such), what a difference we would make.

Now that is the true meaning of Christmas! IMHO

We should celebrate it 365 days a year, give a gift of your heart, compassion and love.

Merry Christmas, friends!

❤ ~evie