Life is good in the trailer hood!

Posts tagged ‘Parent’

First Times… A New Chapter In Life

This is one of our first times... when my son started school!

The first time my daughter Mirandy started preschool is one tearful day I will never forget. Fast forward a generation.

When her daughter started kindergarten, I was with her, too. Mirandy was an emotional wreck all day. When my granddaughter graduated from kindergarten, my daughter shed tears. (But then so did I!)

Last year I spent the first morning of two of my grandchildren’s school year with them. My grandson was starting pre-k for the first time, and my daughter Mirandy couldn’t quit crying.

I am often telling her the nut doesn’t fall to far from the tree! Then I remembered her first day at preschool!

Oh, how she cried! She wanted her mommy, but her mommy had to work. Hanging on to my skirt tail dragging behind me, was one unhappy little girl! I cried all day while trying to sell clothing at the department store where I worked. She was fine within five minutes of me leaving.

Today, my niece Angie is starting a new chapter in her life with her first baby girl. She started preschool for the first time. I think it was worse on Grannie than it was Mommy! And I think my great-niece was pretty excited today! I told Angie she came about it honestly, and if she didn’t have those feelings she wouldn’t be who she is… a caring Mother!
My friend Jennie’s new chapter is her son’s last year of school, her daughter’s first year of high school, and her little one goes to head start. She doesn’t know which one makes her sadder!

Then there is Niki, my cousin who I have been close to since she was born! Her son started preschool, too, for the first time. He informed her the night before at the dinner table, “I am walking into school by myself!” She feels numb.

My friend KML was taking her infant grandson for a walk. As she watched the little ones board the bus, she felt emotional. Excited moms were snapping pictures, instructions given about which bus to ride home.

Her little one was sleeping in the stroller with not a care in the world. As she gazed on him, her thoughts went back to another day. It seemed like only yesterday she was one of those excited moms!

For my cousin Jannie it is “Moving Day!” Her son is off to college. She has mixed emotions. She is happy  for him on this new journey, but she is sad at the same time.

When my son started school for the first time, I was sad all day, but he was ready for school and loved it. It was hard to send my firstborn out in the world.

My feelings were exactly the same the day Russ started college out-of-state and a new chapter unfolded! I remember how sad I was that he was moving out-of-state, but happy for his good fortune. Today he has a son and daughter in high school and the youngest son in elementary.

It is all mixed blessings. With new chapters in your life, sometimes there is sadness, emotions, tears, and well, just living. We want to hang on to the babies that we have nurtured and loved. We don’t want them growing up and having to face the real world.

But one day we all come full circle and treasure each of those special moments! We all live it, we all have our book of life to fill! We’re all going to go through transitions and emotional roller coaster rides so… I say, embrace life, and do live like you are dying!

My latest chapter is “Great Grandparents, Again?” I am glad I am not still raising grands!

But on those sad occasions when you are having a bad day, just remember chocolate is a whole other food group! 🙂

How did you feel when the first time  your new chapter started?

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren!

Grandparents are raising grandkids by the millions!

In 2007 there were  6.2 million grandparents raising grandchildren up to age 18 in the US, alone. Now, that’s a staggering number, people!

Here is the first step in getting these facts for your state. Click the link. <>
Source: 2007 American Community Survey

Being from Oklahoma and have participated in this very thing, I sympathise with all grandparents who have given of their own lives to help a child in need. That includes adoptive parents, who adopt in later years and are old enough to be a grandparent.

There are always good times, and bad times, and many times there are blessings for both, grandparents and grandchild.

In Oklahoma programs and services are available to these grandparents.

Many caretakers in this group do not have the resources or a computer to know how to find their way around the internet or know where to look once they are there.

Many are unaware of these services.

For my friends and family in Oklahoma, click the following link:

With the amount of baby boomers turning sixty and many more following soon, the Oklahoma State Plan on Aging is something we all have to think about sooner or later. Everyone knows someone who falls into this category and one day may need to use this plan.

It’s an interesting read. I learned a thing or two!

And back to grands raising grands, I have been there.

Done that!

Eight years of it, and let me tell you, it’s not easy!

It’s not important so much as to why the reason… this happens. All cases have diverse and various situations that come with the personal family. Every person has their own stories to tell.

Mine is just as different as everyone elses, although it all comes back to it… it’s a hard fact of life.

How do to deal with the problems that arise, when you  are dog tired, cried out, wrung out, and strung out to dry…


One problem with me was with the feelings of the children. They were confused and sad for not having their parents around; all the unsettling emotions that affect these situations of separation.

How would you deal with this, if it were you?

Would you be up to taking on this overwhelming task?  (Although it does have its rewards!)  🙂

So many people are facing this today, right this minute, as I type and as you read this.

If you know someone, who can benefit from this information, please share this blog with them. If you are in this situation, check this information out. You probably will find the help you are looking for!

Pass it on, someone somewhere is looking for this help! It’s just the right thing to do. Helping others along the way, that’s what it’s all about!

There is a lot of support for grandparents raising grandchildren, and aging; help yourself to some.

Would You Teach This?

Posts are going around Facebook about teachers, the new school year, and bullying. Started me pondering again about the school systems, taking prayer out of schools, the sacrifices our educators are making, and much more.

In years past I, too, worked with children in teaching and leading various scouting programs.  A substitute teacher and a teacher’s aide for the surrounding area where I resided,  I remember how hard it was!

It is a wonderful blessing when the day is productive, and the class learns the lessons taught. I felt great joy when a slow learning child finally “got” it!

I also remember the bullying, the unruly children, the disheartening feelings I felt after a hard day of these situations.

Just a thought, parents, remember when… you were a child growing up and your parents sided with the teacher? Remember when… most of the time they were right?

Did you ever make a trip to the principal’s office, shaking in your boots?

Remember when you didn’t get taught because some unruly child misbehaved? Those are the times you didn’t get to learn anything. A day wasted, just like in your child’s life.

Today, more and more teachers are dipping into their own pockets to teach your children. (I know this because I have many teacher friends and I did, too!)

Have you ever offered to volunteer to help your child’s teacher? Bring a snack, a box of kleenex?

I just would like to say (for the good of all)… get involved! Help a teacher out, there are so many avenues in wich you can do this!

From reading to a class, or helping organize a file cabinet, a teacher will appreciate your help. Contact your child’s school to see where you can help.

Remember, we are all in this together, whether a teacher, a pupil, or a parent wanting a child to get the best education.

The first lessons are the ones taught at home. Teach a child respect, and more than likely that child will show respect. Teach them the value of an education, and they will get one. Teach them kindness, they will show kindness. Caring, well, same thing, so let’s educate all of our children, and let’s all make our future nation a better place for it.

What are your aspirations for your child… for your nieces, nephews, and grandchildren (if it applies)?

Let’s not forget teachers aren’t babysitters, and while they do get paid… would you take on their job?

Would you spend all that time to go to college to learn to teach, then get the salary they do to spend a lot of your day trying to get control over unruly children, so you can do your job?

Our nation depends on our parents to help out our teachers, because our government taxes surely aren’t doing it!

And no, teachers don’t make that much money. Check it out! Oklahoma ranks one of the lowest, at $33,277 yearly. Divide that into twelve months, because they don’t get paid for the break your children get in the summer.

Take into consideration how much they have to pay for college, and how many years of schooling it takes to land this job… to teach your precious children. Have compassion and be there for your children’s teachers!

It does take a village to raise a child… starting with the parents and teachers.

Trust me, they aren’t in it for the money. If they were, no children would learn anything.

Could you handle that many kids all day long without having moments of impatience? Do you spend a whole day without feeling aggravated at something one of your own did? Have you ever had to reprimand them?

In your opinion, what can a parent do to help educate our nation’s children? What can you do?

Stand up for a teacher today!

Teach your children about bullying others, and what to do if you see another student bullying. Encourage them to make friends, and not with just the best dressed, most popular one. That child could end up being the best friend your child will ever have.

Just my lowly opinion… from Mrs. M. to all my previous students who read this. And to you and everyone else, let’s bring our school systems back to what they were!

Starting with, let’s demand prayer be put back in the school systems, and give control back to who it rightly belongs to… the educators. If they aren’t in control, they can’t teach! (And isn’t that why we send our children to school?)

Of my horse, now!

Kudos to all teachers!

God bless you all! Evie!